Membership meetings are held on Tuesdays at the Hotel Venezia on the 41 Bypass in Venice. Please note that meetings will start at 6:30 pm, and end around 8:30. The doors open at 6:00. We hope to see you there. Guests welcome with a guest fee of $5.
We also get together for informal Stitch Connections each month. The Stitch Connection schedule is on the Event Calendar, look there for dates and details.
Have something quilt related to sell? Or looking for something? Classified Ads are back. Members must log in to post ads. See instructions on the Members Only page.
We hope our members are reading "Pieces and Patches" our newsletter, joining our VAQG Facebook Show & Tell group, and making sure to like and follow our public Facebook page: VAQG Facebook Page.
Visit our website often to learn the latest Guild News.
Remember our Guild year runs June 1 to May 31. Click to view or print:2024-25 Guild Schedule
New Members: You can join on our website- Member Signup or, sign up at meetings or by mail. New members joining now will have dues paid through May 31, 2026.
Members: Click on "Member Login" in the upper right corner to see the full website including the MEMBERS ONLY pages. Can't remember your personal login? - click on "Forgot My Username/Password." Please renew for '25-'26, and review and update your information if needed. There is an online Membership Directory with the option of including your photo. CLICK to view a YouTube video "Updating your Member Profile."
Members can renew by logging in and going to their profile. Click on your name in the upper right corner and then Profile and you will see a box with a link to renew.
For a printable Membership form that can be mailed with a check, click on the button: 2025-26 Membership Form
Honorary members must complete a Membership form each year to maintain your Honorary status for the coming guild year.
Any questions? Contact Membership @vaqg.org.