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Venice Area Quilters Guild

Venice, Florida

HomeCommunity Service

The Community Service committee is looking to add members to help transition smoothly in the new guild year. Our primary project is making nap quilts for the Head Start students at Children First each year. We started supporting them in 1999. Kits are available at the Crazy Quilters as well as at our meetings and the Stitch Connection gatherings. We also provide comfort pillows and items to breast cancer surgery patients. Many of our Circles are involved in their own community projects. Please share your good works with us.

Joan Cusack is the Community Service Committee Chair and is in charge of accepting donations.
Maureen Young is in charge of storing completed children's quilts and the materials used in making of kits.
Pinky Stewart is handling Veteran's quilts and Tidewell quilts.
Gloria Howell is coordinating the cutting of materials for the kits.
All members are welcome to participate in any of our activities like the kit prep sessions.  
The group meets on the second and fourth Thursdays from 1:00 to 4:00 to cut fabric for the kits.  Contact Pinky or Joan for the location.

The Venice Gondolier featured our 2022 quilt delivery to the Children First's Head Start program. Click HERE to see the article.  It would have been impossible to donate 349 quilts to Children First plus 120 quilts for adults without the support and help from so many of our WONDERFUL guild members.  The Community Service Committee sends a heartfelt THANK YOU to each and every one who has helped with this long-time guild activity.



Charity Quilt Information:

Head Start Quilts should be made from 36 to 39" wide by 40 to 45" long -- use children's fabrics in fun, bright colors. Community Service has three easy patterns for making quick quilts:  Happy Scrappy, Focus & Four Patch, and Simply Squares.  Here is the link to all three: Easy Patterns 

Simple baby bibs are always welcome at Our Mother's House. These can be brought to the Community Service table at guild meetings or contact the Community Service committee.


If you have questions, please contact Pinky or Joan, or send an email to: Community Service


A fairly new project for the guild is our "Hearts Full of Love" program.  As a mostly female organization, we recognize that 1 in 8 women will develop breast cancer during their lifetime.  We support Venice area breast cancer patients by providing comfort bags on the day of surgery at the new Sarasota Memorial Hospital in Venice.  The bags contain a special heart shaped pillow*, drain pockets and other resources and information.

You can find the patterns or information below:

Heart Pillow Pattern - print on regular letter size paper
Heart Pillow - print on legal size paper
Surgical Drain Pocket
Seat Belt Pad
Knitted Knockers (soft temporary prosthetiics) for local patients.

* Click to learn more about Breast Cancer Pillow types 

In addition to making quilts and other items, the Venice Area Quilters Guild makes annual monetary donations to local Non-Profits.


At our Annual Holiday Dinner we donate all proceeds from our Teacup Auction to the South County Food Pantry


During our Biennial Quilt Show we have a Silent Auction of Miniature Quilts with all proceeds going to the South County Food Pantry. We have donated over $25,000 to the South County Food Pantry during the last ten+ years.